LatinoJustice counts on partners throughout the community to help realize its vision of a just and equitable society. Our community and public interest partners collaborate with us to inform, educate and provide services toward our shared vision. Corporate and law firm partners provide critically important resources to underwrite the programs, projects and operations that help realize our goals. Through event and program sponsorship, grants, contributions and pro bono services, corporate and law firm partners help expand our impact.
Current Partners
Drug Policy Alliance
The Florida Bar Foundation
The Ford Foundation
Hispanic Federation
Interest on Lawyer’s Account IOLA
JPB Foundation
Judiciary Civil Legal Services
NEO Philanthropy
The New York Bar Foundation
New York Women’s Foundation
Public Welfare Foundation
Scherman Foundation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Tides Foundation
Partner levels
Champion - $50,000
Includes sponsorships of all and select programs
Guardian - $25,000
Includes limited sponsorships of some events and programs
Benefactor - $15,000
Includes limited sponsorships of programs
Interested in becoming a Corporate or Law Firm Partner? Contact us at [email protected] and include “Become a Corporate Partner” in the subject line.