Marisabel Abbas is the Senior Legal Assistant & Intake Coordinator for LatinoJustice PRLDEF where she has supported the litigators since 2006. She also coordinates and handles hundreds of clients matters and public inquiries by providing bilingual legal information, general advice, and referrals, regarding job discrimination, wage theft, housing, immigration, and access to social services. Moreover, she helps to draft documents and outreach materials, translations and interprets for legal staff & clients and fulfills other administrative responsibilities.
Marisabel has worked over 25 years in the immigrant services sector, including prior employment at Catholic Charities Community Services - as a Support Services Supervisor and at Safe Horizon, as an Office Manager for the departments of Domestic Violence, Immigration, Immigration Hotline, Refugees and Education. She does community volunteer work, for CUNY Citizenship and the N.Y. Daily News Citizenship NOW events as well the Election Protection Project VE y VOTA and CENSUS Hotline.