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    31, July 2024
    LatinoJustice Dismayed Buoys at Border Will Remain Despite Financial and Cost to Human Life

LatinoJustice Dismayed Buoys at Border Will Remain Despite Financial and Cost to Human Life

July 31, 2024 
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LatinoJustice Dismayed Buoys at Border Will Remain Despite Financial and Cost to Human Life  

Austin, TX - The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that buoys in the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass, TX could remain, striking down a lower court’s ruling back in December of 2023. The court found that the federal district court abused its discretion when it ordered Texas to remove the buoys floating in the Rio Grande. 
In July 2023, the U.S. Justice Department had sued the state of Texas after the state refused to remove the buoys arguing that the barrier was a safety hazard that violates international treaties. The barrier was rolled out as part of Operation Lone Star to prevent immigrants from crossing border into the United States. 

The following statement can be attributed to Karen Muñoz, Justice Catalyst Fellow at LatinoJustice PRLDEF.   

“We are dismayed by the ruling that will result in further endangerment of immigrants trying to seek hope and opportunity in the U.S. For over three years Operation Lone Star has resulted in the abuse of our communities at the border and beyond. Texas has spent billions on Operation Lone Star and this barrier is adding to the already exuberant cost of this inhumane operation costing millions in taxpayer money and above all costing lives at the border. LatinoJustice will continue working to put an end to Operation Lone Star and other border militarization policies alike.” 


About LatinoJustice 
LatinoJustice PRLDEF works to create a more just society by using and challenging the rule of law to secure transformative, equitable and accessible justice, by empowering our community and by fostering leadership through advocacy and education. For 50 years, LatinoJustice PRLDEF has acted as an advocate against injustices throughout the country. To learn more about LatinoJustice, visit