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Ordered Removed: Language and Detainment in the Laredo Immigration Court

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“Ordered Removed,” a new report by LatinoJustice PRLDEF – a national civil and immigrant rights organization advancing equity and justice for Latino communities and beyond – and the Laredo Immigrant Alliance reveals that the asylum human crisis at the border is being aggravated by the lack of legal and translation services for increasing asylum cases at the Laredo Immigration Court. 

Report Highlights 
Observers found that: 

  • Interpretation was a major hurdle for asylum seekers; interpretation was not provided or only provided for a small portion of case hearings in 134 hearings; 

  • Being a non-detained asylum seeker made it highly likely to have their petitions dismissed or terminated; 94% of these outcomes involved non-detained asylum seekers; 

  • However, most of the deportation orders tracked were for asylum seekers who were detained, 19 of 23 orders for deportation; 

  • Only two pro bono legal service providers were available for detainees to call, which means these providers were quite often over capacity; 

  • Although the Court was originally designed to house eight immigration judges to work through the backlog, only four were placed there. 

Report authors recommend that: 

  • The Court publish a bi-annual report of their cases to provide public accountability; 

  • An adequate number of adequately trained judges be assigned to the court; 

  • Detainees are provided with their lawful right to in-court interpretation; 

  • The US Department of Justice invest in and partner with local community entities to ensure better infrastructure for case processes;  

  • Legal service providers partner with local services to better provide legal services and information for the community and a collaboration with the courts to conduct clinics in detention centers; 

  • the Laredo civic society create centers and offices where the community can receive support, including an Office for New Americans; 

  • Laredo residents participate in the court watch program or volunteer with other organizations aiding immigrants. 















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