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The deepening Covid-19 crisis has exposed the particular vulnerabilities of communities of color, who have limited or compromised access to social support and relief systems. Often hidden in our society, immigrant Latinxs are among the most impacted. This underscores the importance of the 2020 decennial Census and its long-term impact on the Latinx community.

LatinoJustice Reacts to the Supreme Court’s Ruling Blocking the Citizenship Question in 2020 Census

CONTACT: Christiaan Perez, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, [email protected], 212-739-7581

Citizenship Question, a Political Hit to Suppress Latinos

CONTACT: Christiaan Perez, [email protected], 212-739-7581

Don't add Census citizenship question. It would damage all our daily lives for decades - originally published in USA Today, link here.

The Census affects jobs, traffic and class size as well as federal spending and political representation. Don't mess it up with bad information.

Amicus Filed to the Supreme Court Recognizing the Impact A Citizenship Question in the 2020 Census Will Have on All Latinos

In a few weeks, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear arguments to decide the fate of the “Citizenship Question” in the 2020 Census.  LatinoJustice and Locke and Lord, LLP, along with some of the nation’s most prominent Latino, and other community nonprofit organizations, filed an Amicus, also known as a “friend of the court” brief. This brief details why the Supreme Court should affirm the district court’s ruling that the citizenship question is unconstitutional and that the subsequent undercount result in a loss of federal funding to several states and a severe reduction in political power, resources and participation in the Latino community. 

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